Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Barry Mack on Art and the Artist

Secret Passageway

Zeus Enters Time and Space

Having delved in art all his life, Barry Mack, now an expert in the predominant styles of contemporary painting (abstract expressionism, minimalism, conceptual art and pop) found Cosmic Consciousness” after years of meditative practices, fasting and studying world religions.

3000 Years

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“I began to spontaneously paint in an abstract style, as a metaphor to express what I had experienced as a higher dimension of Reality.”

Ancient City

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Themes in Mack’s work vary but most often the subject is light.

Another Golden Moment

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“I am interested in creating an image conducive to a meditative or thoughtful frame of a mandala. The goal is to relax, achieve a peaceful, higher state of mind, and then possibly inspiration.”

Approaching Light


Mack says his creative process is something that just happens. Keeping his materials close at hand, he tends to dive in whenever inspiration strikes. And when an artist is getting his motivation from everything in life, moments of artistic genius can occur anywhere and at any time.

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Mack is interested in producing art that reflects his values, quality and values that help us enhance the human experience and develop as human beings. Mack says he is always looking for ways to use his work to grow and improve communication through art. It is a manifestation of his thoughts and feelings, not an attempt at illustrating his ideas. He intends to create thought provoking, interesting and meaningful work.

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“My fine art has been largely informed by an interest in metaphysical studies. I have reached the conclusion that all Life is interrelated and this idea continues to inspire my artwork. Also, I love natural beauty, which always provides fresh inspiration.”

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Aside from producing artwork, Mack designs quality books for artists and photographers. He has also produced two books on his own work, the first of which can be seen on his website.

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Mack says his work intoxicates him and an average workday tends to go by very fast. Despite the fact that being self-employed requires a lot of discipline and focus and he says,

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Embrionica 72x48

“My days are a like walking a tight rope. It's a constant balancing act between the euphoria of freedom and the intense pressure of responsibility. If I fall, there are consequences, so I've always got to stay focused. I think there's a popular myth about being an entrepreneur. In many ways, it is more demanding than having a job. It’s also very very rewarding, exhilarating and lots of fun.”

Energy Dance

Fluid Future

Mack’s personal favorites among artists are Rembrandt and James Turrell because their work embodies the traditional and contemporary life of an artist.

Geology of Wealth

Hidden Door

His advice to all young artists is to find around them those things that inspire and then focusing on the joy emanating from that inspiration, capture it and present it as an artistic visualization.

Hidden Treasure

Moving Through 48x60

To the viewer, Mack says, “You are a co-creator, supporter and collaborator.” He believes the role of the audience is crucial in helping artists thrive and develop their work into a universal bond between the creator and the viewer.


Red Guardian

1 comment:

  1. Awesome work by Mack. Very expressive Mehreen!


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